BIO 306: Animal Physiology (3)
Tissue system and their functions: Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue; Principles of physiology: relationship between structure and function, Adaptation, Homeostasis, Feed-back control systems and regulation; Methods for exploring physiological mechanisms: Use of Molecular, Cellular and biochemical techniques; Endocrine system: Hormones and their Physiological effects; Stress and adaptation; Respiratory system: respiratory pigments, transport of gases in blood, regulation of body pH; Excretory system: Osmoregulation, osmoregulators, obligatory exchanges of ions and water. Osmoregulation in water and terrestrial environment; Nervous system: gross anatomy of the brain and spinal cord; sense organs; thermoregulation; Digestive system: Acquisition of Energy: Metabolism, and absorption; Cardiovascular system: blood and circulation; anatomy of heart, ECG, cardiac cycle, regulation of cardiac output and blood pressure; Reproductive System and unifying themes of animal development.
Suggested Books:
- Introduction to Animal Physiology: Ian Kay; Bios Scientific Publishers; 1999
- Animal Physiology: Hill, Wyse and Anderson; Sinauer Associates, Inc; 3rd 2012.
- Animal Physiology by Randall Burggren & French; W. H. Freeman; 5th edition; 2001.
- Principles of Anatomy and Physiology: Tortora and Derrickson; John Wiley and Sons; 13th edition, 2012.
- Text book of Medical physiology: Guyton and Hall; Saunders; 12th edition; 2011.
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