Office of Academic Affairs
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal

Humanities and Social Sciences

HSS 209: Technical Writing (2)

Introduction to Technical Writing: Definition of technical writing; Basic principles in technical writing; characteristics of effective technical writing and other types of writing

The Process of Writing: Four-step process for technical writing: analyse, organize, write, and revise. Understanding audience/readers, collecting and organizing information and drafting information verbally and visually. Techniques of paragraph development. Using Illustrations-purpose and qualities of visuals.

Elements of Style: Identifying and avoiding common grammatical errors, use of proper punctuation, word choice, words and expression commonly misused and words often misspelled. Formal academic writing style-Clarity, precise, familiar and forthright. Avoiding impediments to writing and academic dishonesty /plagiarism.

Technical Writing(Report, Proposal, Review& Research Paper): Formal Technical Reports and Informal Reports: Front Matter, Main body and Back Matter. Citation/Referencing style (APA/Chicago/ Harvard) Writing a procedure, describing machines/processesand writing instructions. Types of review and edit; review and editing methodology Format: Typography and layout of documents Writing research proposals, research papers, abstractsand smart e-mails.

Writing Assignment/ Activity – Summary / report / review writing

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