EES 645: Remote Sensing and GIS (4)
Learning Objectives:
Satellite remote sensing is a powerful tool to acquire information about the surface of any object. Thus, the information obtained through satellite imagery can be used for geological mapping, monitoring of natural resources and climate and weather prediction. In this course, the theory of electromagnetic radiation, principles of spectroscopy, data acquisition systems will be discussed in details. Emphasis will be given on the different image processing techniques and preparation of digital maps from the satellite data.
Course Contents:
Structure of the course, development of remote sensing techniques, fundamental principles, advantage and limitations of remote sensing.
Electromagnetic Radiation:
The nature, principle and sources of electromagnetic radiation, the blackbody radiation, the electromagnetic spectrum, energy available for remote sensing, atmospheric window for remote sensing.
High Altitude Photography:
Interaction between light and matter, color science, film technology; Aerial photography - vertical and oblique photography.
Spectroscopy of Rocks and Minerals:
Introduction, basic principles of spectroscopy, electronic process and vibrational processes, spectral reflectance of minerals.
Multispectral Digital Imaging System:
Introduction to digital images, imaging sensors and tubes, optical mechanical line scanner, CCD linear array scanner, digital camera, description of space borne image sensors.
Thermal Remote Sensing:
The Earth`s radiant energy, surface, radiant temperature and kinetic temperature, Planck’s law and emissivity, interpretation of thermal imagery.
Microwave Remote Sensing:
Introduction to microwave, passive and active microwave remote sensing, RADAR technology, interferometry.
Remote Sensing based on Gravity:
Gravity of Earth and other planetary bodies, GRACE mission; Space borne gravity data for hydrology, geodesy and solid Earth science.
Distortion and Quality of Photographs and Images:
Geometric distortion, distortions related to a) sensors, b) spacecraft, c) Earth’s rotation; Factors affecting image quality; Projection, mosaic resampling of satellite images.
Digital Image Processing of Satellite Images:
Introduction to digital image processing, radiometric and geometric corrections; Principle component analysis, band ratio and colour enhancement of images.
Geological Application of Remote Sensing Data:
Digital image processing and satellite imagery for geomorphology, tectonics, coastal and deltaic landforms, monitoring vegetation patterns and desertification, lithology and geological mapping, mineral and oil exploration.
Environmental Application of Remote Sensing Data:
Detailed description of SPOT and JERS images; Geobotany, geohydrology and water quality using remote sensing data; Remote sensing of the atmosphere.
Integration of Remote Sensing Data with other Geo-data:
Introduction to GIS, transformation of remote sensing data and other data in GIS format.
Indian Remote Sensing Program:
Remote sensing program by Indian Space Research Organization; INSAT, IRS, Oceansat, Resourcesat and Cartosat data and their applications; Future directions.
Suggested Readings :
- Sabins, F. F., 2007, Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation (3rd Edition), Waveland Press.
- Rencz, A. N., 1999, Remote Sensing for the Earth Sciences: Manual of Remote Sensing (3rd Edition), Wiley.
- Gupta, R. P., 2013, Remote Sensing Geology (2nd Edition), Springer-Verlag.
- Jenson, J., 2007, Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall.
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