Office of Academic Affairs
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal

Earth and Environmental Sciences

EES 609: Geochemistry – Principles and Applications (4)

Introduction – The Earth’s aggregate physical and chemical state; Basic Thermodynamics and phase relations; Chemistry of minerals, water, and rocks; Geological controls on geochemical data.

Methods and errors – Analytical methods in geochemistry; Selecting appropriate analytical techniques; Sources of error in geochemical analyses; Correlation, regression, ratio correlation, triangular diagrams.

Using major element data – Rock classification, variation diagrams, and determination of phase boundaries.

Using trace element data – Controls on trace element distribution; REEs; Multi-elemental plots; PGEs; Modeling trace element processes in igneous rocks.

Tectonics – Discrimination between tectonic environments using major and trace element data; Tectonic controls on magmatic and sedimentary processes.

Principles of Atomic Physics – Nuclear synthesis; Decay modes of radionuclides; Radioactive decay; Geochronometry and related uncertainties

Radiogenic Isotope Geochronometers – Rb-Sr system; K-Ar system; Ar-Ar system; K-Ca system; Sm-Nd system; U-Th-Pb and Pb-Pb systems; Lu-Hf system; Re-Os system; La-Ce system; La-Ba method; Radiogenic isotopes in petrogenesis.

Earth Systems – Mixing theory; Origin of igneous rocks; Water and sediment; The oceans; Chemical geodynamics; Early history of the Earth.

Other radionucleides - Short-lived, cosmogenic and extinct radionucleides

Stable Isotopes – Modes of fractionation; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur systems; Water-rock interactions; Paleothermometry and Paleoclimatology; Biological fractionation; Boron and other elements.

Conclusions – The combined use of sable and radiogenic isotopes and the construction of a global geodynamic system; Basic steady-state reservoir analyses; Non-steady states; Organic Geochemistry.

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