EES 607: Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS (4)
Learning Objectives:
This advanced level course will be helpful to develop technical skills and competence in data and information acquisition, extraction, management and analysis; spatial and statistical modelling; mapping and visualization of satellite data. Additionally, the course will develop applications of environmental remote sensing and GIS which can contribute directly to service delivery on land use management, ground water management/prospects, agriculture, forestry, food and water security, and disaster management.
Course Contents:
Fundamental principles of photography, advantage and limitations of remote sensing; Historical overview of remote sensing techniques.
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Color Science:
Electromagnetic radiation - nature, principle and source, classification, the blackbody radiation, scattering of EMR, EMR and interaction between atmospheric gases; Concept of color, the additive color scheme, the subtractive color scheme, representation of colors in viewing devices.
Spectroscopy of Rocks and Minerals:
Introduction, basic principles of spectroscopy, electronic process and vibrational processes, spectral reflectance of minerals, study of absorption spectra of different minerals at visible, infrared and thermal wavelength of EMR.
Multispectral Digital Imaging System:
Introduction to digital images, imaging sensors and tubes, different types of scanners - optical mechanical line scanners, CCD linear array scanner, description of space-borne image sensors; Introduction to the principles of digital camera, storage mechanisms, radiometric, spatial and temporal resolutions; Introduction to different multispectral satellite systems.
Thermal Remote Sensing:
The Earth`s radiant energy, surface, radiant temperature and kinetic temperature, Plank`s law and emissivity, Wien’s displacement law, preparation of emissivity, temperature and thermal inertia images, interpretation of thermal imagery in the context of geological mapping, urban heat island and oil exploration.
Microwave Remote Sensing:
Introduction to microwave, passive and active microwave remote sensing, RADAR technology, SAR interferometry; Interpretation of SAR interferometry images and its applications.
Digital Image Processing:
Introduction to digital image processing, geometric distortion, factors affecting image quality; Projection, mosaic resampling of satellite images, atmospheric correction of satellite data, MODTRAN models, principle component analysis, band ratio (NDVI, NDWI, NDBI) and colour enhancement of images, supervised and unsupervised classification; Introduction to hyperspectral remote sensing using experimentally determined mineral spectra.
Geological Application of Remote Sensing Data:
Digital image processing and satellite imagery for geomorphology, tectonics, coastal and deltaic landforms, monitoring vegetation patterns and desertification, lithology and geological mapping, mineral and oil exploration using LANDSAT, MODIS, ASTER data
Integration of Remote Sensing Data with other Geo-data:
Introduction to GIS, transformation of remote sensing data and other data in GIS format; Preparation of thematic layers from the classified images.
Indian Remote Sensing Program:
Remote sensing program by Indian Space research organization. INSAT, IRS, Oceansat, Resourcesat and Cartosat data and their applications; Future directions.
Suggested Readings :
- Sabins, F. F., 2007, Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation (3rd Edition), Waveland Press.
- Rencz, A. N., 1999, Remote Sensing for the Earth Sciences- Manual of Remote Sensing (3rd Edition), Vol. 3. Wiley.
- Gupta, R. P., 2013, Remote Sensing Geology (2nd edition), Springer-Verlag.
- Jenson, J., 2007, Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall.
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