Office of Academic Affairs
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal

Earth and Environmental Sciences

EES 414: Field Work in Environmental Sciences (4)

Prerequisites (Desirable): All EES 300 level courses

Learning Objectives:

This field work is intended to consolidate and build upon the learning in Environmental Sciences theory and laboratory courses. This course intends to provide hands-on training in problem definition, field-site selection, sampling/monitoring methodology, physico-chemical characterization, data analyses and interpretation. Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to develop research protocols/Standard Operating Procedures for running a field station, maintaining a field log, data generation and recording, and the preparation of scientific reports of their findings.

Course Contents:

Air, water, and soil/sediment sampling in the ambient environment, choice of mutually compatible sampling methods, substrates/sampling vessels/equipment, and analytical techniques; Problem definition; Chemodynamic studies - baseline studies, comparative studies. 

Site Selection:
Geomorphological features, logistics/accessibility, personnel safety, prevailing meteorology, supporting documentation and photography. [Indicative list of sites: Bhopal Upper and/or Lower lake; Betwa river banks, Bhojpur; Open sewers/waste water discharge sites in and around Bhopal; Mandideep industrial area; Salkanpur Lake; In and around Dow Chemicals (Bhopal Gas tragedy) site; Kerwa dam]

Sampling Methodology and Field Instrumentation:
Development and/or identification of standard operating protocols, pre-sampling preparation, artifact free sample collection and handling, storage and transportation.

Sample Characterization:
Selection of appropriate standard operating protocols, pre-conditioning, sample preparation, physico-chemical measurements, data retrieval and recording.

Data Analyses and Interpretation:
Description, presentation – summary tables, plotting techniques, preliminary statistics (if appropriate) and interpretation; Overall findings and conclusions.

Suggested Readings :

  1. Nichols, A. L. (Coordinating Editor), 1998, Aerosol Sampling Guidelines, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
  2. Douglas A. S., Holler, F. J., and Stanley R. C., 2006, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Thomson Brooks/Cole.

Papers: Standard Operating Protocols (CPCB, India, US EPA, DRI, IMPROVE), as appropriate Instruments technical manuals/operating procedures, and reports, as appropriate

Note: Field sampling/monitoring will be conducted over a period of 10-15 days

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