CHM 331: Fundamentals of Supramolecular Chemistry (4)
Prerequisites: CHM 102
Hydrogen Bonding and Nature of Supramolecular Interactions: Ion-Ion, Ion-Dipole, Dipole-Dipole, Cation-π, Anion-π, π-π, van der Waals, Close packing in Solid State and Hydrophobic Effects.
Concepts: Host-Guest Chemistry; Receptors, Coordination and the “Lock and Key” Analogy; Chelate, Conformational and Macrocyclic Effects; Pre-organisation and Complementarity; Thermodynamic and Kinetic Selectivity.
Ionic Recognition (Cation and Anion Binding Host): Selectivity and Solution Behaviour of Crown Ethers, Crytands, Spherands; Complexation of Organic Cations, siderophores, biological anion receptors, Anticrowns and Coordination Interactions.
Neutral Host Molecules: Inorganic Solid-State Clathrate compounds, clathrates of organic hosts, intracavity complexes of neutral molecules (Fullerenes and Cyclodextrins): Solution and Solid State Binding.
Crystal Engineering: Concepts of Crystal Design and Growth, Applications to Polymorphism and Cocrystal formation.
Self Assembly: Applications to Catenanes, Rotaxanes and Helicates, Role of Positive Cooperativity.
Applications: Structure and function of DNA, Supramolecular Reactivity, Liquid Crystals, Dendrimers, MOF’s, Electronic devices (switches, wires and rectifiers) and non-linear optical materials.
Suggested Books:
- Supramolecular Chemistry. J. W. Steed, J. L. Atwood, John Wiley and Sons, 2000.
- Supramolecular Chemistry. Concepts and Perspectives. J. -M. Lehn. VCH, 1995.
- Principles and Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry. H.-J. Schneider, A.Yatsimirsky, John Wiley and Sons.
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