Office of Academic Affairs
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal


CHM 302: Chemistry of Transition Metals (4)

Prerequisites: CHM 102, CHM 301

Coordination Chemistry: Coordination number and stereochemistry of coordination complexes (coordination number 2-9). Electronic configurations and states, the group state and energy levels, free-ion term, Symmetry orbitals and bonding in transition-metals complexes: L-S coupling for dn states, splitting of one electron levels in an octahedral and tetrahedral environment, Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, Charge-Transfer bands, Jahn-Teller distortion. Applications of CFSE, Stereochemistry of non-rigid and fluxional molecules. Thermodynamic aspects of coordination complexes, Nephelauxetic effect, Irving William series, Factors affecting ligand field stabilization energies, First row transition elements, heavy transition elements, M-M bonded complexes, C-H activation, agostic interactions, ortho-metallation. Kinetic aspects: reaction and aquation rates, electron transfer reactions. Reaction mechanism in inorganic reactions. Redox reactions, Trans effect.

Chemistry of Lanthanides and Actinides: Electronic configuration, colour and magnetism, properties of lanthanides and actinides. Synthesis of trans-Uranic elements, chemistry of uranium compounds.

Organometallic chemistry: 18e rule and its exceptions, isolobal and isoelectronic analogies.  s and π bonding, types of ligands, soft vs hard ligands. Structure, bonding and reactivity studies of metal carbonyls, nitrosyls, dinitrogen complexes. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, oxidative addition, reductive elimination reactions, organometallic complexes with metal-metal bonds.

Molecular Magnetism: Paramagnetism, Diamagnetism and Ferromagnetism, Neel and Curie Temperature, Magnetic Susceptibility.

Inorganic Chemistry of Biological Systems: Essential and trace elements in biological systems, energy sources for life, metalloporphyrins, dioxygen binding, transport, and utilization.

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