CHM 101: General Chemistry (3)
Learning Objectives:
This is an introductory course that covers fundamental concepts in general chemistry. The course will focus on a conceptual understanding of the principles of chemistry. Topics of discussion will include atomic structure, periodicity of elemental properties, chemical bonding and reactivity, electronic effects in organic molecules and properties of gases.
Course Contents:
Atomic Structure, Periodic Table and the Concept of Periodicity: Atomic structure; Vector model of atom and electronic configuration of polyelectronic atoms; Atomic structure as the basis for periodicity; Applications of the periodic law. Effective nuclear charge; Slater’s rules, screening effect. Size of atoms and ions, ionization energies; electronegativity, electron affinity; periodic properties of elements and periodic trends, diagonal relationships; Fajan’s rules.
Chemical Bonding: Lewis theory; Formal charges, resonance and rationalization of structures; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules. Applications of VSEPR theory in predicting trends in bond lengths and bond angles. Molecular orbital theory of homo and heterodiatomic molecules, concept of HOMO, LUMO and SOMO. The solid state structures, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle.
Electronic effects: Dipole moment, inductive and field effects, polarizability, resonance effect, hyper-conjugation; fundamental aspects of aromaticity.
Acids and Bases: Various theories of Acids and bases; Brønsted acids and bases. Protonic acids, gas-phase vs solution behavior of acids. Lewis acidity, ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Acids and Bases. Solid acids. Concepts of pH, pKa, pKb as applied in different chemical structures.
Properties of the Gaseous State: Gas Laws, equation of states, critical constants, law of corresponding states, Distribution of molecular speeds and its applications, mean-free path, compressibility factor, barometric distribution law.
Heat capacity of gases, real gases and virial expansions.
Suggested Books:
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, Fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
- Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, P. L. Gaus, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons Press, 1995.
- Shriver and Atkins, Inorgranic Chemistry, Ed. 4th, Oxford University Press 2006.
- Atkins, P.W., de Paula, J., Physical Chemistry, Ed. 9th, Oxford University Press 2009.
- Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, J. C. Kotz, P. M. Treichel, J. R. Townsend, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, Canada, 2010.
- Chemistry, R. Chang, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
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